Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A chat with Masnoor

Finally i had a chance to have a chat with Masnoor, a friend and a neighbour who used to be my classmate when I was in University. It was a meaning chat about the reality of life... about family and the future of the children. Cam ne nak cari duit to give the best to the children. I think I have to make a big step in my life to move forward and change something for my future.

Last night was the first night gi solat taraweh kat mesjid di Kampung. Suasana sungguh mengingatkan aku semasa di bulan Ramadhn semasa aku kecil2 lagi. Moga kita semua memperolehi keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ni...


Abu Ikhlas said...

aik...sempat ko tulis no.....keep on writing. Kad raya tu ko attach la kat blog ko. Baru nampak cantik. nanti aku linkkan kat blog aku

Mohamad said...

nak buat tapi nak tunggu last day puase for those yg tak dapat. biarlah dia org dapat dulu.. kalau tak tak suspens lagi hehee

Anonymous said...

rindunye kat kg....nak balikkkkkk....

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