Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Distribution of Hari Raya Card

I posted at least 70 hari raya cards this year. Last year I was too busy to do it and ended sending only to a few close relatives and family only. This year was something different. I took some pictures on my birthday and create a family hari raya card. So who ever managed to get the limited edition of the card... hargaila kad tu.. dan bagi yang tak dapat, anda semua tetap dalam ingatan cuma mungkin tak tau alamat aje........ Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Dzahir Batin.And I always like this Hari Raya song by Saloma, Fazidah Joned & Sanisahuri

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SeLamaT haRi rAya...
mAaF zaHir daN baTin...

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