Sunday, September 16, 2007

It is 16 September - my Birthday Again

Well it is my birthday again. Terima kasih atas segala ucapan dari teman2 dan saudara mara. For the first time I did something different last night. Pasang lilin same number as my age and main bunga api sama das dengan my age... Hmm berapa ye.. Dah tua dah.. Alhamdulillah allah masih bagi lagi pinjam nyawa untuk terus hidup di dunia..

And to my surprise anak2 bagi I my dream car.... New VW Beetle.. So sweet.. So I have new hobby right now pula hehehe.. I must thank everyone all my family, friends and relative who have made my life what it is right now. Thank you very so much you all means a lot to me...

This coming week is another big day for me. I will be presenting to the International Construction Conference 2007 on my project. Doakan ye agar semuanya berjalan lancar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VW Beetle...
Cute giler dis car...kena cari neh...

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