I had an interview with KOSMO paper yesterday wanting to feature an article on my interest Persatuan Wang Kertas FX 070707... and we are trying to get as many people to join us. Sometimes to many things to do but limited time.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Attending an officemate wedding
Last weekend I attended my officemate wedding in Klang. To be frank I am not that familiar with the place. I had to go round Klang town and finally I gave up. Saw policemen on the street and seek their direction. Trust the police the direction given was perfect, I arrived at the house in no time. I offered the groom to be the photographer and accepted. Hmm bukan la pandai baru je nak belajar anyway after the wedding I went for my usual Raya dos around Putrajaya, Kajang and finally had to put up a night at Pandan due to massive traffic jam. Just image it took me 1.5 hrs from Kajang to Pandan Indah!. Well that was my day on Saturday.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My Brother's Crown Collection
My brother is very talented in art and craft works and he has a keen interest in making wedding gifts. This is some of his collection which I admire that I like to share it with you. So whoever is interested to order this unique gifts do let me know.
Satu Hari Di Hari Raya
Wah raya tahun ni memang raya sakan. Kira puas la beraya tahun ni.. Dan rata juga pergi beraya. Seperti biase hari pertama pergi beraya di dengan bonda dan terus pergi beraya rumah saudara mara terdekat. Hari kedua beraya saudara di sebelah isteri.. dan raya ketiga ade wedding.
Sempat juga test still photography dengan my nieces and nephews buat photography faces hehee.
Sempat juga test still photography dengan my nieces and nephews buat photography faces hehee.
Ziarah Pusara Ayahanda dan Kekanada

A day before hari raya I pergi ziarah pusara Ayahanda dan Kekanda Tercinta yang telah pergi buat selama-lamanya. entah la mengapa tatkala menziarah pusara kekandaku, tiba-tiba aku menitiskan air mata mengenangkan nasib yang menimpa dirinya dimana beliau tetap sabar dengan dugaan yang di hidapinya. I remember when the Dr confirmed that she had lung cancer, he whole system broke down. She refused to have any treatment and kept saying that " Long reda dgn ketentuan Allah". I once asked her why don't you get treatment. She said I am old and I can't bare the pain unlike my niece Elyza who had to go thru chimo at her tender age. Moga allah cucuri rahmat ke atas roh ayahandan and kekanda ku...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Lelaki Ini
I had great weekend. Having to meet friends for buka puase. I was an exciting moment besides preparing some presentation material for my talk at UTP. Looking forward for that moment.
Bought a new Anuar Zain CD and I love this song and like to share it with you.
Bought a new Anuar Zain CD and I love this song and like to share it with you.
Lelaki ini
Anuar Zain - Lelaki Ini
Kasih, kenanganku
Ingatkah saat saat dulu
Kasih, apakah dirimu
Merasakan semua itu
Ke mana pun langkahku pergi
Ku masih melihat bayanganmu cintaku
Dan kemana pun arah anginku berlari
Hati ini masih kau miliki
Lelaki ini yang selalu mencintamu
Selalu, tanpa ragu
Lelaki ini yang selalu memuja
Hanya dirimu
Yang bertakhta dalam sanubariku
Sanubari ku
Aku yang mencintakan mu
Hanya dirimu
Karena cintaku, tak berbatas waktu
Karena cintaku, tak mengenal jenuh hatimu
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