Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Story Begins... Part 1

I am the 9th in family of 10. My father was a policemen while my mom was a housewife. As a policemen, he had been moving around from Kulai, Segamat, Kg Baru in KL and finally back to Johor Baharu.

I was born at my Nanny's house; 16K Jalan Tebrau, Wadi Hana, Johor Baharu on 16 September. Johor Baharu is a capital City of Johore the southern state in the Peninsula Malaysia. My Nanny's house was a single storey semi-detached house on an acre site. We were fortunate to live nearby in a little shed next to my Nanny's house. Through my recollection of my childhood days, our house was made of wood with a roof made of zinc. We only had place to sleep and kitchen with a common toilet shared with Nanny and her family, my uncles and aunt.

Through my recollection, our house was just a bare earth floor and there wasn't any specific bedroom nor partitions. It was just a timber planks where everybody sleep at night with no electricity. We do not have advantage electric or gas stove at that time either. We had to get and buy charcoal and woods for us to cook. I was too small to feel the pain and the hardship. One thing I always remembered was when it was raining, my brother and I had to gather some pails and basins to collect rain water dripping through the holes in the roof from wetting out earth floors. Sometimes we were just exhaust to run all over the house to empty the water once it was fulled but most often it overflows and wet the whole floor.

To be continued


Anonymous said...

kisah cerita yg zaman dahulu yang boleh dijadikan rujukan tetapi perlukah kita berkongsi kepada semua rakan2 di dalam blogger untuk tatapan pembaca....
Teguran yang telah mendapatkan kebenaran terlebih dahulu...
bukan apa takut org ambil kesempatan pada kelemahan diri kita..itu sahaja...

Mohamad said...

Terima kasih atas pandangan dan teguran kaki renang. Niat di hati ikhlas agar apa yang di paparkan di sini dapat menjadi iktibar untuk orang lain

akupunyahal said...

saya pernah melalui hidup macam tu.. no electricity, no water, jalan tanah gambut...but because of my childhood hardship.. I belajar untuk hargai setiap apa yang sya ada sekarang..

Abu Ikhlas said...

uhuk...uhuk....sedih aku baca...macam nujum pak belalang aje.....ko sampai ketahap kikis buntut kuali ke.....tragis sungguh...apa apa hal bersukur lah apa yang ada kan

Abu Ikhlas said...

uhuk...uhuk....sedih aku baca...macam nujum pak belalang aje.....ko sampai ketahap kikis buntut kuali ke.....tragis sungguh...apa apa hal bersukur lah apa yang ada kan

arsaili said...

salam kenal...moga kita menghargai apa yang telah kita kecapi hari ini, thanks for sharing bro!

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