Friday, February 15, 2008

A Trip to New Haven, Connecticut, USA

I was scheduled to go to New Haven, Connecticut today to have a meeting with the Architect for my project, PCPA. PCPA has made the arrangement for the transport at 11.30 am. Come 11.35am, I saw a strecth limo stop right in front of me. I said to myself don't tell me they sent me a strecth limo. True enough, the chauffer came out and asked me "Are you Mohamad" and I said Yes I am.." It was unbelieveable. Before I took the ride I forced the chauffer to take a picture of me with the limo to put in my Blog.

As I went inside, there were two seats facing each other with ample leg room. I guess it was too much just for one person. This is normally how foreign consultant treats their clients. For once I felt like Mr Donald Trump riding on a strecth limo looking over the property along Manhattan.

It took about 2 hours from my hotel in Newark to New Haven. The travelling was smooth and towards the second half of the journey I just dooze off. The weather was fine today having blue sky but it was still cold.

Upon arrival at my Achitect's office, PCPA at Chapel Street, I met my Architects Anibal, Larry and the founder of PCPA, Mr Pelli himself.

Anibal ushered me to a meeting room to explainbriefly what he had prepared for the discussion. Soon after, Anibal gave me a tour to his office and then we adjourn for lunch at Scoozzi an Italian Restaurant.

After we had lunch, he gave a tour to Yale University just opposite his office. He mentioned that 90% of New Haven town belongs to the Univeristy. The University seems to be one of the best University to study Law. Mr Pelli used to be the Dean for the School of Architecture at Yale University.

Me @ Yale University

Yale University

This is Anibal @ Yale University

Larry, Me and Mr Pelli

Me at PCPA Office

The meeting ended at about 6pm and I was once again chauffered driven back to my Hotel in Newark. That was my day today....


Anonymous said...

Dear Mohamad. Please send my regards to Mr. Pelli and Larry. I wish to go and visit them one day. If I visit them, tell Anibal to send me that limo which they sent you.

Anonymous said...

wah...dia naik limo yer...
gaya dan tokoh nampak mcm bakal menteri la...
jgn kembang lak dah kena puji nie hehehehheh
gambar yg cantik dan SERI muka tu dah kembali terbit di raut wajah anak malaysia
ALHAMDULLIAH LAH... kaki renang pun tumpang happy gak yer...

akupunyahal said...

wah seronoknya dapat jumpa depa..

Mr Final said...

wow!.... hebat dan beshnyer.. die... gi Yale University... huhu.. terpk.. Mr Pelli.. tuh.. samekah ngan caesar Pelli.. kalo x silap ler.. yg.. reka.. KLCC tuh???

Mohamad said...

Ye betul dia tula yang rekabentuk PETRONAS Twin Towers....

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