Jom Lets Go to The Museum

National Postal Museum

The Post Office

The Early Pictures

Earlier Mode of Delivery

Other Mode By Air Mail

On the Road

Museum of Art Gallery

Inside the Building

The inside the Building

Connection Art Gallery Building

Hard Landscape

International Spy Museum

Sorry tak leh ambil gambar kat dalam so di luar aje la ye...

National Building Museum

Outside the Building

Inside the Building with fountain

Inside the Building

Ha Burung pun dah nak balik. Jom la kita balik
Meriah ar .....
baru Lepas Ujan ker..masa ambil GAmbar nie..?
banyak Lah simBolik...yer....
suKA tGK gamBAr.. Burung dah naK BalIK...tu BuruNG GAGAK Ker.?
Then Org Kat Sana BILa LaK nak KembALI Ke TanAH Air....24hb YeR..?
Great places to visit and explore...
cantik museum dia...
Half way through the visit it was raining. Burung tu ialah burung merpati bukannya gaggak. Happy sangat dapat ambil gambar tu. Seolah-olah tau orang Malaysia datang dan nak ambil gambar dia ekor....
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