Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Another comments on Tun's Blog - Pengumuman Keluar UMNO
Another comment on Tun's Blog I posted
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya suka dengan sikap Tun yang lantang menyatakan pendapatan Tun tentang isu semasa. Sebagai seorang yang sayangkan tanah air kita saya juga kesal mengapa pendapatan Tun yang bernas di ketepikan walaupun menreka tahu ada kebenaran.
Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia "feel that the government has not done enough" untuk menangani masaalah semasa yang kian meruncing. Contohnya dengan kenaikkan harga barang dsb. Walaupun saya di dalah golongan pendapatan pertengahan amat terasa dengan kenaikkan barang-barang apa tah lagi mereka yang berpendapatan rendah... Saya berharap apa yang berlaku ada hikmah dan berharap ada pembaharuan kearah kebaikkan untuk negara kita yang tercinta Malaysia. Kami maukan Malaysia yang di segani dunia seperti semasa di bawah pemerintah Tun. Saya berharap agar Tun terus di berkati dan di beri kesihatan agar dapat membimbing Malaysia kembali ke landasan yang betul... You are my Idol... Wassalam
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya suka dengan sikap Tun yang lantang menyatakan pendapatan Tun tentang isu semasa. Sebagai seorang yang sayangkan tanah air kita saya juga kesal mengapa pendapatan Tun yang bernas di ketepikan walaupun menreka tahu ada kebenaran.
Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia "feel that the government has not done enough" untuk menangani masaalah semasa yang kian meruncing. Contohnya dengan kenaikkan harga barang dsb. Walaupun saya di dalah golongan pendapatan pertengahan amat terasa dengan kenaikkan barang-barang apa tah lagi mereka yang berpendapatan rendah... Saya berharap apa yang berlaku ada hikmah dan berharap ada pembaharuan kearah kebaikkan untuk negara kita yang tercinta Malaysia. Kami maukan Malaysia yang di segani dunia seperti semasa di bawah pemerintah Tun. Saya berharap agar Tun terus di berkati dan di beri kesihatan agar dapat membimbing Malaysia kembali ke landasan yang betul... You are my Idol... Wassalam
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Selamat Hari Ibu...

Pagi pagi lagi saya menalipon Ibu saya yang tersayang Bonda Aishah untuk mengucapkan Salamat Hari Ibu... dan meminta doa agar hidup kami sekeluarga di berkati. Alhamdulillah Bonda tak henti-henti mendoakan agar anak-anaknya panjang umur, murah rezeki dan selamat dunia akhirat. Terima kasih Bonda.. Ingin mengabadikan kenangan bersama Bonda dengan lagu dendangan Aishah. I love you so much Mom... Without you I will not be here...You are my everything in this world...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
MERCY Malaysia Prepares Deployment of Rapid Assessment Team to Yangon, Myanmar
Like many of you, I have been seeking ways to help in whatever little way I can re the catastrophe. My only lead is Mercy Malaysia. Should you wish to make any donations, below are some details @ MERCY MALAYSIA.
I bought a New Phone Nokiat 6120 Classic

The day I lost my phone I emailed Secret Recipe a note informing them about the incident and enquired should they have any CCTV that could trace the culprit. A Manager from Secret Recipe responded ... " We do have CCTV but all those are dummies!" Oh dear! I could not believe it. Well that is the reality. I guess the chance of me getting back the phone is slim and that very day I went to TESCO and bought a new phone of the same model that I lost at almost half the cost I paid before.
My other trouble is to transfer my 1700+ contacts I accumulated over the years to the new phone. Luckily I still store some contacts on my previous PDA Dopod 900. But the problem is I have to sync it to a computer. I downloaded the Microsoft Active Sync software from the internet transfer the contacts, install the new software for my Nokia 6120 classic phone and transfer the contacts and alhamdulillah it was successful. What a relieve. I feel that I am getting my life back.
My other trouble is to transfer my 1700+ contacts I accumulated over the years to the new phone. Luckily I still store some contacts on my previous PDA Dopod 900. But the problem is I have to sync it to a computer. I downloaded the Microsoft Active Sync software from the internet transfer the contacts, install the new software for my Nokia 6120 classic phone and transfer the contacts and alhamdulillah it was successful. What a relieve. I feel that I am getting my life back.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Lost My Handphone @ Secret Recipe Avenue K

I had lunch @ Secret Recipe Avenue K today and accidently left my phone there. When I realised, I went back to the restaurant in less than 5 minutes but the phone was gone! I enquired the waiter and the Manager but they said they didn't see.... Hmmm Inalillahi Wainalhirojiun. Just don't know what to say..... Losing a phone is just like losing your best friend. Coz all your details and information are there. Termenung sekejap.. Seolah-olah di tinggalkan seorang diri di padang Sahara.
I tried to call my number but it goes to the voice message. I guess whoever found the phone has switched off the phone. I quickly went to Maxis centre report the lost phone and get a replacement Sim card there itself and 15 mins later I still can use my old number.
So my fellow friends please email me your number or sms me your number so that I can rebuild my contactlist again. Make sure ur write you name when you sms ok.
I tried to call my number but it goes to the voice message. I guess whoever found the phone has switched off the phone. I quickly went to Maxis centre report the lost phone and get a replacement Sim card there itself and 15 mins later I still can use my old number.
So my fellow friends please email me your number or sms me your number so that I can rebuild my contactlist again. Make sure ur write you name when you sms ok.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My Humble Library has been published on "Your Shelves"
Just to note that My Humble Library has been published on "Your Shelves" today and I am the first Malaysian in that list. Thanks to Kim. Hope there will be more Malaysia going to send their home library in that blog.....

What actually inspired me of having my own library was when I successfully completed a project, Chancellor's Complex for University Technology of PETRONAS in Bandar Sri Iskandar, Perak which was designed by Norman Fosters & Partners. The complex comprises of the Main Hall and Library. One thing unquie about the library is that you be able to recognise the library the very first instance you see it. Being very much involved in the project has made me kept telling myself, I will have a library of myself someday.... So when I moved back to KL on another project, I first priority is to convert one of the room into a library. I do hope one day I have a bigger room for my library.. You can also refer to forum talk about the university on the library.

Chancellor's Complex view from the Plaza comprising Library and Main Hall
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Page Rank 2
I am delighted to note that I have a Page Rank 2 now eversince I started Bloging... I had Page Rank 1 last December and in less than 5 months, it has increased one more rank. Thank you my fellow visitors. I always wanted to share the best about life with my fellow Bloggers... Thank you again..
WaWa Photoshoot @ KLCC
Our PR department, Yasmin called me last week informing me that she was looking for kids who can participate in the photoshoot for our annual report. I was featured on last's year annual report and this year they are looking for kids instead. I asked my youngest daughter WaWa or her full name Nur Leila Najwa, "How would you like to be a model?". She replied " OK". So today she woke up early and get ready to start her first modelling assignment. There were two shoots taken and to my surprised I was also involved... Inilah dinamakan Bintang Terjun... So after the photoshoot, I also took some more pictures for ourselves.... Any comments?
Friday, May 2, 2008
My Favourite Food - Laksa Johor
Laksa Johore is my favourite food. It is so irresistible besides Cekodok Ikan Bilis. Well I am sure my cousin Kak Ana living in Washington can verify that. I remembered the first time I visited her at her home in Silver Spring, Washington. She asked " What would you like for breakfast Mohamad?". I replied " Jemput-jemput". And she fried Jemput-jemput that morning and the whole family ate Jemput-jemput or for some they called it Cekodok.
For Johorean, Laksa Johor is Johor special delicacy. We used to cook on special occasion such as Hari Raya. Besides my mom, my late sister Rogayah cooked the best Laksa Johor. Now I have to resort to my sister Mariam and my auntie Mak Mai when come to Hari Raya. But most of all my wife's Laksa is equivalent to my sisters... As for me. I cooked Laksa once when I was in UK. Masa tu dah gian sangat nak makan Laksa fasal dah 3 tahun tak balik. I had to call my mom because it turned out to be too thick. But it was OK I love it...
For Johorean, Laksa Johor is Johor special delicacy. We used to cook on special occasion such as Hari Raya. Besides my mom, my late sister Rogayah cooked the best Laksa Johor. Now I have to resort to my sister Mariam and my auntie Mak Mai when come to Hari Raya. But most of all my wife's Laksa is equivalent to my sisters... As for me. I cooked Laksa once when I was in UK. Masa tu dah gian sangat nak makan Laksa fasal dah 3 tahun tak balik. I had to call my mom because it turned out to be too thick. But it was OK I love it...
Want to know how to cook Laksa Johor?? Just Google it - Laksa Johor. I am sure you will not be dissapointed. Some of it is listed below. Selamat Mencuba
1) My resipi
3) My Selera
I would like to thank my Mom, my mom in law, my wife, my sisters, my aunt Mak Mai, my cousin Kak Ati kerana tak jemu-jemu memasak Laksa Johor yang sedap-sedap ... Hmmm Yum Yum..
My humble Library
I was advised by my blog advisor, to post a picture of my library to one website based in USA The Blog invites people from all over the world to submit their home library and what excite me most because there wasn't anyone from Malaysia... so why don't I share my humble library with them....
It was my childhood dream to have a library at home. I started to collect book eversince I joined the book club when I studied in UK where you would get a few book every month at only 3.99 Pounds. Among the books I collected were very much related to my interest like Gardening, Sports, Engineering, Business, Interest, Sports, Fitness, Fashion, Cooking, Language, Travel, Religion, Anjung Seri, Impiana and a lot more. So every weekend I used to spent most of my time in my library or in other words My Gua or Cave. My best friend Masnoor used to tease me if I didn't get out of the room towards end of the day by saying " Did you forget the key words to get out of the Cave like in the P Ramlee's movie, Ali Baba and the 40 thieves." So if you guys would like to visit My Library/Cave please recite the Key words " Ngiya Inseng Ma Taq Aji Ngiya Insung" and to get out you should recite the reverse " Ngiya Insung Ma Taq Aji Ngiya Inseng"
I will soon going to list the books and catalogue it. So every year I have no difficulty in utilising the full tax exemption of RM1000 for books and magazine....
I will soon going to list the books and catalogue it. So every year I have no difficulty in utilising the full tax exemption of RM1000 for books and magazine....
Tun Mahathir's Blog

The long awaited Blog that I have been waiting for. At last Tun has his own blog. I admire him, his creativity and visionary. Hope more Malaysia will be like him. Visit his Blog
My Commets @Tun's Blog
Tahniah Tun kerana menceburi dunia Blogging. Suatu saat yang amat saya nantikan. Walaupun saya pernah beberapa kali bertemu Tun semasa mengedalikan Projek Menara kembar PETRONAS tetapi situasi dan keadaan ketika itu terlalu formal. Kadang-kala ingin menimba ilmu dari Tun bagaimana caranya untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang di segani Dunia. Tun bukan saja dapat memartabatkan maruah negara dengan meletakkan Malaysia di Peta Dunia. Saya tahu perjuangan kita masih belum selesai... Asas yang Tun hamparkan bagi kami menuju Wawasan 2020 masih segar di fikiran kami walaupun sekarang tahap pencapaian kearah tersebut agak kabur disebabkan oleh isu politik semasa. Adakan Melayu mudah lupa???
Harapkan Warga Malaysia mengenepikan perbalahan peribadi dan pandang ke arah matlamat negara agar kita Warga Malaysia lebih berjaya dan berdaya saing di peringkat Dunia.
Kami perlukan pemimpin seperti Tun untuk membimbing kami kearah matlamat itu.
Tahniah Tun kerana memberi ruang ini untuk kami.
Moga Allah memberi kesihatan, keimanan, ketajaman fikiran dan memanjangkan umur Tun agar dapat memberikan padangan-pandangan bernas di dalam kami menuju Wawasan 2020...
May Allah Bless You & Family always...
Ikhlas Mohamad @ KLCC
p/s saya ada link blog Tun di blog saya. Terima Kasih
My Commets @Tun's Blog
Tahniah Tun kerana menceburi dunia Blogging. Suatu saat yang amat saya nantikan. Walaupun saya pernah beberapa kali bertemu Tun semasa mengedalikan Projek Menara kembar PETRONAS tetapi situasi dan keadaan ketika itu terlalu formal. Kadang-kala ingin menimba ilmu dari Tun bagaimana caranya untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang di segani Dunia. Tun bukan saja dapat memartabatkan maruah negara dengan meletakkan Malaysia di Peta Dunia. Saya tahu perjuangan kita masih belum selesai... Asas yang Tun hamparkan bagi kami menuju Wawasan 2020 masih segar di fikiran kami walaupun sekarang tahap pencapaian kearah tersebut agak kabur disebabkan oleh isu politik semasa. Adakan Melayu mudah lupa???
Harapkan Warga Malaysia mengenepikan perbalahan peribadi dan pandang ke arah matlamat negara agar kita Warga Malaysia lebih berjaya dan berdaya saing di peringkat Dunia.
Kami perlukan pemimpin seperti Tun untuk membimbing kami kearah matlamat itu.
Tahniah Tun kerana memberi ruang ini untuk kami.
Moga Allah memberi kesihatan, keimanan, ketajaman fikiran dan memanjangkan umur Tun agar dapat memberikan padangan-pandangan bernas di dalam kami menuju Wawasan 2020...
May Allah Bless You & Family always...
Ikhlas Mohamad @ KLCC
p/s saya ada link blog Tun di blog saya. Terima Kasih
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Beijing Olympic 2008 Stamps
Just bought a few stamps in commemorating Beijing Olympic 2008 this coming August 2008. Visit official website Beijing 2008.
Pastime Hobb y - Stamps
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