I had lunch @ Secret Recipe Avenue K today and accidently left my phone there. When I realised, I went back to the restaurant in less than 5 minutes but the phone was gone! I enquired the waiter and the Manager but they said they didn't see.... Hmmm Inalillahi Wainalhirojiun. Just don't know what to say..... Losing a phone is just like losing your best friend. Coz all your details and information are there. Termenung sekejap.. Seolah-olah di tinggalkan seorang diri di padang Sahara.
I tried to call my number but it goes to the voice message. I guess whoever found the phone has switched off the phone. I quickly went to Maxis centre report the lost phone and get a replacement Sim card there itself and 15 mins later I still can use my old number.
So my fellow friends please email me your number or sms me your number so that I can rebuild my contactlist again. Make sure ur write you name when you sms ok.
I tried to call my number but it goes to the voice message. I guess whoever found the phone has switched off the phone. I quickly went to Maxis centre report the lost phone and get a replacement Sim card there itself and 15 mins later I still can use my old number.
So my fellow friends please email me your number or sms me your number so that I can rebuild my contactlist again. Make sure ur write you name when you sms ok.
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirrajiuun...sorry to hear about the loss. I think losing a hp these days is even worst than losing a best friend. It's more like losing one's memory...already our memory weakened when we no longer need to memorise our contact numbers...you know, without my hp it takes a while for me to recall my hubby's number...hehehe. Anyway, semoga u dapat balik semua contact numbers tu...:)
You are right jaiman. I told my wife nasib baik la I ingat number dia. Itu pun fasal terpaksa call dia banyak kali baru dia angkat...maklumla orang sibuk... di rumah dengan kerenah anak-anak. Kalau tak number dia pun mungkinlupa. Ingat lagi masa hilang phone di New York. problem betul. Masa tu number yang I ingat no rumah my sister and my mom in law kat Johor. So kenala minta tolong dia orang call kan untuk cancel kan number etc...
kesian abang Maj.. sya selalu jugak hilang phone.. pelupa.... sya lagilah satu no pun tak ingat.. no kampung pun tak ingat sbb dok rely on phonebook kat phone
Kesian nye. Akak rasa orang kat US lagi jujur dari orang kat Malaysia. Abang Omar pernah hilang phone, dapat balik semula. Akak pun pernah hilang beg tangan, dapt balik, minus duit, tapi tak kisahlah, dokumen lain ada lagi. Kat masjid pun tak ada orang curi -Alhamdullillah, that is how it was - barang tinggal tepi jalan pun tak ada orang ambil.
Kak Ana
Betul la Kak Ana. Tu la I pernah kata dia orang pak kal tak dapat hidayah. Kalau dapat hidayah lebih baik dari kita ni yang dah lama islam.... Anyway semuatu ada hikmah. I ended up beli yang phone baru tadi yang serupa. Surprisingly harga dia about 30% less than what I bought earlier in less than 1 year. Hai cepatnya gadget2 ni turun harga... Send my salam tu all kat sana. Rindu la dgn celoteh Aliyyah..
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