Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coming to Malaysia

This year is so special to us. Kak Ana came back for Hari Raya for first time after being abroad in USA for 12 years. She is married to an American which I feel a better Muslim than I am , considering he is a convert. This time around Kak Ana came back with Alliyah, her youngest of the three children. The eldest Muhammad and second Rashyid are unable to join because they are at school this time of the year. I had visited her twice in Silver Springs, Maryland, USA and in both occasions, she cooked my favourite breakfast which is Jemput-Jemput.

It is about time for me to give them a treat. Our first destination KLCC Park. I told Alliyah there's a wadding pool at the children's playground and she was so excited. She swam till she was exhausted. In the end, she said "Uncle Mohamad, you are the best uncle in the world and I really have fun here...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think so tooo !!!

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