Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pay Day

When I came to Qatar, I was told to open a bank account. I wanted to open HSBC but the company insisted of having the same bank with the rest of the staff; IBQ or International Bank of Qatar. Mr Mahzen is our customer service officer who handle our company's account. We received a credit card and also ATM card. We are also subscribe to this mobile sms service.

So today evening, I received a text message from IBQ " Dear Customer, your salary has been credited to your current account" Alhamdulillah dapat dah gaji pertama... in Qatari Riyal...

1 comment:

N A Z M I E S K I said...

wah, bestnye dapat gaji dalam masa 2 minggu. :) Semoga dimurahkan lagi rezeki di Negara Qatar.

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