Saturday, December 6, 2008

My New Honda Civic Qatar 285352

I initially thought I wanted to buy a bigger car. I prayed istiqarah a few times and still could not decide which one to buy. Among my shortlisted car, I had initially narrowed down to Honda and most probably CRV. But when I was at the show room and after test drive.. I had a little self talk.

Maybe I inherited it from my mom. I started to ask myself why do I need a bigger. My family is not here yet. I just need a decent transport to bring me from point A to B and finally Honda Civic seems to meet my specification. Leather seats, sun roof, auto cruise and a Life time warranty.

So after almost a week of waiting, I finally got it today, the same day the rain falls for the first-time in Doha this year and coinsidently the same day of the year I bought my NAZA three years ago 6 December 2008. Alhamdulillah. May Allah give us a phosperous life ahead of us.

I like to share the name of my previous Vehicles

1) VW Beetle 1967 - BS6168 - Daffodil
2) Kawasaki Ninja 1985 - WBU 851 - Mawar
3) Citreon BX 1.9 1990 - BCX 882 - Brigette
4) Proton Waja - 2001 - AEH9882 - Kelana
5) Naza Ria - 2005 - WNP9882 - Kenanga

So for this new car I like to name her Mayumi after the singer Mayumi Itsuwa.. with my favourite song Revival...

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