Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nurbalqis Reciting Poem

I was told today my Daughter Nur Balqis recite a poem in front of all the students at her school yesterady. Bravo, Congratulation sweetie! I find her to be different and has her own ways of doing things. She once wrote an article which I find entertaining on one of her school trips. Visit her blog Nurbalqis to read more about her writings. For 11 years old I would salute her.

She once a story telling competiton. I told her in a competition it is not about wining or loosing. It is about the experience. Once we have the expericence we will learn through our mistakes and imporve and become better. The most important is how we can contribute to others.


Zimah said...

Nur Balqis tu sekolah kt Majidee gak ke A. Mat? Berbakat sbg seorg penyair ye... Semoga berjaya!

Mohamad said...

Dia sekolah di Nong Chik.Tak tau la.. Sekejap nak jadi Angkaswanita pertama Malaysia... tapi kata dia sekarang dah tukar... Tunggu aje la bila tiba masa nanti apa minat dia.

Zimah said...

Ye la, brtukar2 pilihan... Apa2 pun semoga menjadi seorang yang berjaya kan! Kita sbg ibubapa hanya dpt mendoakan shj, yg lain atas usaha dan kemahuan mrk sendiri, betul tak?

Mohamad said...

Azimah, banyak tempahan raya tahun ni?

Zimah said...

Thn ni tak ambik tempahan la A.Mat...jahit baju sendiri je. G pn tgh buat renovation rumah, so...takde space.,g pn takde mood...he3!...

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