Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Menghitung Hari Detik demi Detik
I am set to leave my vacation. The last time I was back in Malaysia was 6 months ago. I must say I miss them a lot. Pity them got to go through all this. I bet they can't wait to meet me as well.
As usual I had to finish my duty before the long leave and it was a miracle to get two reports done in 5 hours. I thought I would never made it. But I finally did. Thank god and I leave home at 4 pm.
Rupen came to clean the house. I let Nickie go for a while. I had to check the stuff I want to bring, clean the fridge and plates...
Don't feel like eating. I feel my stomach is full. since it is going to be 7 hours flight and I might not have time for sihri, I might as well cook some rice and eat.
Now, just counting the minutes, updating my blog, chating while watching television.. like this songs Menghitung hari detik demi detik... Hope to have safe journey insyallah... See you in Malaysia insyallah/...
As usual I had to finish my duty before the long leave and it was a miracle to get two reports done in 5 hours. I thought I would never made it. But I finally did. Thank god and I leave home at 4 pm.
Rupen came to clean the house. I let Nickie go for a while. I had to check the stuff I want to bring, clean the fridge and plates...
Don't feel like eating. I feel my stomach is full. since it is going to be 7 hours flight and I might not have time for sihri, I might as well cook some rice and eat.
Now, just counting the minutes, updating my blog, chating while watching television.. like this songs Menghitung hari detik demi detik... Hope to have safe journey insyallah... See you in Malaysia insyallah/...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Greetings from Otto David Ortiz
This birthday wishes comes from Otto David Ortiz from Guatemala City and his wishes "for your birthday BD that you always be loved by persons around and you be successful in your life and your work"
Song says Minutes how pass by, how we see how time passes and all is back of us, how in minutes hurts are cured, how the past minutes are also dead and all is related with time, life and how all is gone. This is national singer and excellent and some rare and weird and unique compared with others. He has a song which compares how would it be if north were south so USA would be the immigrants looking for money and southern latinamericans the richests.
The beauty of this bird fascinates me... Peacock..I wish I could rare them one day insyallah.
Happy Birthday Greetings -16 September
Alhamdulillah meningkat lagi usia yang allah pinjamkan ni. Sempat juga saya menyambut Hari Ulang Tahun di Doha pada tahun in. Walaupun jauh dari keluarga dan tiada surprise yang sering mereka buat tiap kali datangnya Hari Ulang Tahun saya, kali ini saya kenalah buat sendiri untuk sambut birthday sendiri. hehehehe. Ni dah jadi macam cerita Mr Bean ni...
Ada la jemput kawan-kawan datang rumah, siap beli kek black forst lagi. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan terima kasih dia atas doa dan ucapan selamat hari lahir. Di antara yang menghantar ucapan adalah seperti berikut:-
1) Mie dari Subang "Selamat hari jadi maj.. semoga panjang umur, murah dan berkat rezeki, sihat dan walafiat sentiasa dan juga selamat berpuasa, berbuka dan selamat hari raya"
2) Nizar dari Kajang "happy birthday boss selamat hari rayo...maaf dzahir batin. raya ni balik malaysia ke tak?"
3) Azlan dari UKM "selamat mnyambut ulangtahun kelahiran. saye doakan abg sukses selalu, n pnjg umo serta dimurahkan rezeki"
4) Harriss dari NZ " hello uncle, happy birthday in advance! i had a nice day, i hope you'll enjoy yours tomorrow!:)) (sent on 15th Sept)"
5) Cempaka Sari dari Janda Baik "amboi uncle...keles ucapan raya..ehehe..anyway...would like to wish you 'happy birthday' in advance and selamat hari raya..jemput le datang ke rumah yer..heard that you'll be back on uncle dok msia sampai bile ek?"
6) Lynn dari Jalan Berkat " Thanks Mohd..and b4 I terlepas... Happy Birthday in advance.., this coming 16th. Well, by then I have a few deadlines to meet not to mention the raya cookies and all!"
7) Nazman dari Kedah "salam lebaran n salam hari lahir. semoga di murahkan rezeki dan diberkati selalu"
8) Masnoor dari Sungai Buaya "Happy Birthday semoga di pnjgkan umur dan murah rezeki"
9) Jijan dari Perlis "happy birthday bang...semoga panjang umur n dimurahkan rezeki...n bahagia selalu. selamat berangkat ke tanah air untuk sambut hari raya nanti bang"
10) Hamdan dari Jalan Berkat "Happy Birthday. 47 عيد ميلاد سعيدا. اطال الله دش مباركته لصحة جيدة ، حياة "طويلة والازدهار دائما."
11) Rashidi Hazrin Harun dari Makkah Al Mukarramah"Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan yg Mulia, Syawal yang menjelang tiba dan bertambahnya usia. Moga Allah memberi rahmat, rahman, rahim dan keredhaaanNya yang berkekalan, sihat tubuh badan, tajam akal fikiran, iman yang kukuh, peribadi yang mulia dan rezeki yang mencurah-curah bak air yang turun seperti hujan dari langit. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. Rashidi Hazrin Harun. Makkah Al-Mukarramah. Saudi Arabia"
12) Mohd Radzi Zakaria dari Jordan" Happy Birthday"
13) Haryati from KL says "Mohamad, Happy Birthday"
14) Anakanda Mohd Nazmie dari Sungai Buaya "Wishing You Happy Birthday Daddy. Semoga Daddy diMurahkan Rezeki, diBerkati, diPanjangkan Umur, Sihat tubuh badan dan Sentiasa Awet Muda."
15) Thamilselvi dari KL "Wish you have a wonderful Birthday and God Bless you with good health Selamat Hari Raya"
16) Nurhazlizan dari Putrajaya " Pak Cik... Happy birthday!!! Panjang Umur, Murah rezeki, sihat tubah badan..."
17) Shamsuria dari Kuching " Happy Birthday to Mohamad (16/9) ... and .. Hah (upcoming... 17/9)! Semoga haya diberkati Allah swt..."
18) Rohita dari Pandan Indah " Salam, Selamat Hari Jadi Semoga sejahtera selalu"
19) Anakanda Nur Deanna dari JB "Happy Birthday daddy"
20) Mohd Zaki dari Kelantan "Happy Birthday Mohamad, dan salam Aidil Fitri, Maaf Dzahir Batin"
21) Anuar Hamdan dari Ipoh "Dear Mohamad, Thank you for the lovely card. Picture of you and your lovely family. Well I would Like to wish you Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Dzahir Batin. Last but not least Happy birthday to you"
22) Adinda Mazura dari JB "Assalamualaikum kat sini dh pkl 12 so I nak ucapkan happy birthday moga di panjangkan umur yg berkat,semakin di murahkan rezeki & muda selalu love you always"
23) Azimah dari JB "He!He!He!Sori le A.Mat,saya tak tau bila birthday A.Mat...Anyway,
saya ucapkan Happy Birthday yg ke? brape ek? Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki olehNya.Amin."
24) Lennie Low "Wishing you good health & plenty of wealth to enjoy them all.. May all your wishes come true & stay young and happy always!!! Cheers"
25) Shurki di KL "Happy Birthday my fren...long live and semoga d berkati dan d rahmati selalu.."
26) Izzie di KL " Happy Birthday :D"
27) Reeza di Subang Jaya "happy birthday to 2, happy birthday 2 u, haapy birthday to Pakcik Mat, Haapy Birthday to 222... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"
28) Abdullah di Subang Jaya "happy birthday!"
29) Shahrudin di Seremban "Happy Birthday Mat, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan selamat sejahtera selalu di mana saja Mat berada InsyaAllah"
30) Fauzi di Batu Caves " Assalamualaikkum. Selamat menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran. Semoga mendapat keberkatan dan limpahan rahmatNYA"
31) HSBC Qatar " Happy Birthday"
32) Vijaya Di Subang Jaya " Happy Birthday"
33) Zaharah di Singapore" Happy Birthday 2 U, semoga panjang umor, murah rezeki dan dapat kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Amin"
34) Muhamad Grasiori di Jakarta "Happy Rockin Birthday... wish you all the best:-) always good in health and everything"
35) Kimpo-Do KLCC " Happy birthday! Please show this message to us to get RM100 discount on prescription lens. Best Regards"
36) Ahmad Ramlan di Shah Alam" Happy Birthday"
37) Hairuddin di Putrajaya "Happy Birthday dari saya sekeluarga yer. Semuga panjang umur dan di murahkan rezeki"
38) Noraini Hamzah di Pandan Indah "Selamat Hari Jadi"
39) Maura from HR Hill International Dubai " Good morning and Happy Birthday Mohamad! I hope this email finds you well, and that you take some time to celebrate this weekend. Take care and all the best!"
40) Ros Aziah dari Scotland " Happy Birthday.. may all your wishes come true..."
41) Zain dari Bahrin "happy birthday...semoga allah melanjutkan usia & di murahkan rezeki serta berbahagia selau....amin..."
42) Zulbahrin from KLCC "Happy birthday Tn Haji. So, how does it feel to be ........yrs old/young"
43) Flora di Sarawak " Happy Birthday to you, Encik Mohamad! :D Wah.. same ngan Hari Malaysia lak ek. Yang ke berapa plak nie? hehehehe..."
44) Azhari Abdul Aziz dai KL/Perak "MAJ, Happy birthday. Moga berkat and murah rezeki lagi... Raya ni camner? Zura and family datang Doha ker?"
45) Noor Azura di Sri Iskandar "Allah selamatkan kamu. Allah selamatkan kamu - semoga panjang umur murah rezeki - Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin - berhati2 di Jalan Raya"
46) Yazri dari Putrajaya/Johor "happy birthday... selamat pjg umur, semoga dimurahkan rezeki, ditetapkan iman, dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, insya Allah"
47) Shamsudin di Bukit Jalil "salam..Abang, Happy BestDay..sorry sgt lambat.."
48) Zillur Rahman di Bahrin "happy birthday to you"
49) Kekanda Asmah di Poland "Happy Birthday today, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & dpt ilmu yg baik, Ameen"
50) Bonda Aishah di Nong Chik, JB. "Moga Panjang Umur, Murah Rezeki dan selamat anak beranak"
51) Irfan di Jalan Kelang Lama " happy bday daddy..sory late wish... hope pjg umo n dimurahkan rezeki dan bertambah ank he..he.."
52) Anakanda Nurdeanna, Nur Batrishya, Nur Balqis, Nur Jeehan & Nur Leila Najwa "Happy Birthday Daddy.. Kita orang ada surprise utk Daddy..."
53) Harlina dari KLCC "Happy Birthday.. moga diberkati Allah senantiasa!!!"
54) Ahmad Al Hadi "happy belated birthday mad...."
55) Zaquan dari BKJ "Selamat Hari Lahir moga di panjangkan umur dan di murahkan rezeki dan mencapaikan apa yang di idamkan selama ini. Moga hari lahir tahun ini memberi seribu rahmat dan kasih sayang dari orang-orang yang tersayang. Amin"
56) Mek Rohaini dari Jalan Duta "Happy Belated Birthday to you. Have a wonderful one in this blessed holy month of Ramadhan. Selamat Hari Raya to you and family. Hope that we could meet when I return to KL."
57) Sudiman dari Sarawak " happy birthday abg. smoga panjang umur n murah rezeki"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Greetings
I will be celebrating my birthday on 16 September. Happy Birthday greetings are welcomed. You can email your picture, birthday wishes and songs (embed on youtube or song title/artiste) and I will post your wishes on my Blog. Thank you in advance.
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Tibanya Syawal Bahagia Liza Hanim
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Menjelang Hari Raya Dato D J Dave
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Suasana Hari Raya Junainah M Amin
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Lebaran Ini Raihan, Ajai Nowseeheart
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Musafir Di Hari Raya S Jibeng
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Rindu Selalu Muhaini Suratman
Lagu ini di tujukan kepada saya oleh Mohd Radzi Zakaria yang kini berada di Amman, Jordan dengan ucapan "bila balik malaysia jangan lupa buka yahoo"
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Kepulangan yang di Nanti Dayang Nur Faizah dan Aman Shah
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Bersabarla Sayang Anuar Zain

Lagu ini di tujukan kepada saya oleh Sudiman Kamis dari Sarawak dengan ucapan " Selamat Hari Raya untuk MAJ dan keluarga serta sesiapa yang mengenali dirinya. Tidak lupa juga kepada kwn2 sekolah saya dan kwn2 saya yg berada di uitm sarawak.. dah akhir sekali kpd ibu dan keluarga saya yg berada di kampung melayu kota samarahan sarawak "
Sampaikan Lagu Raya - Sepasang Kurung Biru Khairil Johari Johar

Lagu ini di tujukan kepada saya oleh Azizan dari Perlis dengan ucapan "Lagu Ini ditujukan khas buat abg MAJ yang berada diperantauan dan juga keluarga tercinta....dengan ucapan selamat menyambut hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin...semoga raya yang diraikan nanti penuh bermakna dan gumbira....."
Darul Ulum Zakariyya
Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya
Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya is located in Zakariyya Park which is approximately 20 min away from Johannesburg. The nearest town is Lenasia, a town highly populated by Muslims. As mentioned in another thread, there is a Girls Madrasa (Mueenul Islam) near by. Many students from Darul Zakariyya have sisters studying at the girls Madrasa. The two schools are a distance way, so it’s not possible for students of one school to see the students of the school.
Dārul ‘Ulum Zakariyya follows the Darse Nizāmi taught in most of the Madrasas in Indo-Pak. It’s a 7 year course.
1st YEAR
Mostly books to teach how to read, write, and speak Urdu.
Basic Arabic
2nd YEAR
Āsān Sarf
Āsān Nahw
Tamrīn al-Sarf (Written by Mufti Rada)
Miftāh al-‘Arabiyya
Miftāh al-Qur’ān
Qassas al-Nabiyīn
Al-Tashīl al-Tajwīd
Dīn ki Bātay (concise version Bahishti Zewar)
Basic Farsi
3rd YEAR
Mukhtasar al-Qudūri (not Tashīl al-Zurūri)
Nūr al-Idāh
Qur’ān Translation (juz 12-20)
Hidāyat al-Nahw
‘Ilm al-Sīgha
Al-Qirā’at al-‘Arabiyya
Āsān Mantiq
Fawā’id e Makiyya (Tajwīd)
4th YEAR
Kanz al-Daqā’iq
Usūl al-Shāshi
Qawā’id al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyya
Qur’ān Translation (juz 20-30)
Riyād al-Salihīn
Al-Qirā’at al-‘Arabiyya
Al-Muqadamah al-Jazariyya
Sharh al-Tahzīb (Mantiq)
Al-Muqāmāt al-Harīri
5th YEAR
Al-Hidāya (first half)
Nūr al-Anwār
Riyād al-Salihīn (2nd Half)
Al-Fawz al-Kabīr
Āthār al-Sunan
Al-Balāgha al-Wādiha
Qur’ān translation (juz 1-12)
Some students are selected to do Sab’ā Qirā’at (7 modes of recitation). The rest will do another book in Tajwīd.
6th YEAR
Miskāt al-Masābīh
Al-Hidāya (2nd half)
Nukhabat al-Fikr
2nd year of Sab’a Qirā’at. Others will do another book in Tajwīd.
7th YEAR
Sahīh al-Bukhārī
Sahīh Muslim
Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhī
Sunan Abi Dāwūd
Sunan al-Nisā’ī
Sunan Ibn Mājah
Mu’atta Imām Mālik
Mu’atta Muhammad
Sharh Ma’āni al-Āthār
Muktasar al-Maqāsid al-Hasana
Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya is fortunate to have some of the greatest teachers who specialize in many branches of Shariah and carry years of experiences. All the senior Teachers are from India/Pakistan
Mufti Rada ul Haq
Al-Muhaqiq al-Mudaqiq al-Muhadith al-Fahhāma al-Faqhi al-Mufti Rada ul Haq (May Allah bless him with a long and healthy life). He is the Shaykh al-Hadith of Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya. He teaches Sahīh Bukhārī, Sahīh Muslim 2nd half, Sunan Ibn Mājah, Sunan Nasā’ī, Mukhtasar Maqāsid al-Hasana, Al-Hidāya 3rd part, and 2nd Half of Jalālayn. He’s also the head of the Iftā department. He was the former Mufti of New Town, Karachi and currently he’s the Amīr of Jamiat al-Muftīn of South Africa.
Mufti Muhammad Ali
Teaches Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhī 1st half, Al-Hidāya 2nd part, Muqāmāt al-Harīri, and many of the initial classes.
He qualified from Jāmiyya Islāmiyya, Dhabel and then enrolled in Nadwatul ‘Ulama for 3 years specializing in Arabic. Afterwards, he wanted to study Iftā in Deoband. The principle of Deoband, Qari Tayyab said that he must do final year again in Deoband. So he studied the final year the 2nd time, then studied 1 year takhasus fil Tafsīr (specializing in Tafsīr), and afterward one year of Iftā. He has also spent 2 years in Tabligh Jamat.
Mawlana ‘Alāudīn Khan
Teaches Jami al-Tirmidhi 2nd half, Al-Hidāya 4th part, Nūr al-Anwār, and a few classes in the initial years.
He completed his studies in Benori Town, Karachi under the Muhadith of his time Allāmah Yusuf Binori. While Mwulana Alāudīn was still busy with his ‘Alim course, he left the madrasa to study a few years of only Mantiq (logic) and Philosophy. He has studied up to 20 books in Mantiq and Philosophy. After completing his studies, he went to Madrasa Sawlatiyya in Makkah and taught for 20 years.
Mawlana Sulayman Choski
Teaches Sahīh Muslim 1st half, Jalālayn first half, Al-Hidāya 1st part, Usūl al-Shāshi, and a few books of the initial years.
He graduated from Jāmi’yya Islāmiyya, Dhabel and afterwards taught there for 12 years. Currently he’s teaching his 17th or 18th year in Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya. Throughout his studies he never wrote a word of notes. He memorized everything teacher said and would come out first in the class every year. Many great ‘Ulama have studied under him such Mufti Ebrahim Desai. I have heard Mufti Ebrahim time and again praising Mawlana Choksi and how much he has benefited from him. Mawlana Sulayman Choski is known for his Taqwa and piety. His durūs are always full of wisdom and he’s known for his ability to derive lessons and points from Quran and Hadith to be implemented in our daily lives.
Mawlana ‘Abbās Sarigat
Teaches Sharh Ma’āni al-Āthār, Balāghat al-Wādiha, and a few books of the initial years. After completing his studies in Gujarat, he enrolled in Nadwatul Ulama to study additional 4 years specializing in Arabic.
Mawlana Usmani Mewati
Teaches Abu Dāwūd and a few books of the initial years.
Mawlana ‘Abdul Qudūs Qāsmi
Mawlana is master of the Arabic Language. Ever since he joined Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya, the Madrasa’s level of Arabic has increased tremendously. He has a unique style of teaching and improving the student ability to speak and write Arabic. He has authored many books in Arabic from which al-Qira’āt al-‘Arabiyya is taught in Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya and many other institutes.
There are many other teachers in Darul ‘Ulum Zakariyya, such as Mawlana Sulayman Moola, who is known internationally for his lectures. I have mentioned only a few. One of the greatest qualities you will find in all the teachers besides their knowledge is their Taqwa. Alhamdullilah, all of the teachers are Allah-fearing and strictly adhere to the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam). All the teachers are strong supporters of Tasawwuf as well as Tabligh Jama’āt. Many of the teachers have received Khilafa in their silsilah and many of them go out in Tabligh Jama’āt with their students. You will also find teachers taking out personal time after ‘Isha to teach students who have requested for extra help.
The student body is approximately 680 students from +40 countries from which 300 are in the Hifz section. This year (2007) 61 students graduated from the ‘Alim course making the total graduates 435.
The Madrasa has recently built new dormitories, which is spacious and well facilitated. Each room has 6 students. The Students are places in the boarding according to class. Each student has a built-in closet to put their personal belongings.
The fee for this year is R9000 with additional R250 for maintenance. If someone is not capable of paying the fees, the madrasa will make arrangements. They do not reject anyone. The fee covers tuition, boarding, meals, and laundry.
Daily Schedule
The teachers usually make their adhkār before Fajr in the study hall next to the masjid. Many students join them in dhikr. After fajr, the whole madrasa recites Surah Yasīn upon which the principal makes du’ā. Thereafter all the students are required to sit in the masjid for 30 min to recite the Quran. The students then proceed to the mess hall where breakfast is served.
Classes begin after breakfast. The morning session constitutes of 5 periods of 45 min each. Lunch is served after class and the students are then given time for siesta until Zuhr. In the summer days, usually its about 3 hours and winter days is about an hours. After Zuhr, there have another 3 periods of 45 min each until ‘Asr. After ‘Asr Salāh, the tabligh brothers sit in their halaqa for talīm, in which taskīl is made to go out in weekend jama’āt. Supper is also after ‘Asr. Many students go play on the grounds after meal until Maghrib. All the students have to sit in the study hall from Maghrib till ‘Isha to revise their daily lessons and prepare for the next day's lesson. After ‘Isha they are required to sit for another 1 ½ hours.
Classes are from Sunday Maghrib till Saturday ‘Asr. So you only have a one-day weekend. There is a mall close by where students go on Sundays to buy their necessities.
There are three exams throughout the years; 3 months (before ‘Īd al-Adha) , 6 months, and the final exam.
The food is quite good. For breakfast you have tea. There is porridge or cereal for those that don’t drink tea. With it you have bread with either butter or jam.
Lunch is always rice. Either kardi kichrdi, chicken, mutton, or daal.
Supper is always curry and bread.
There is a canteen that sells hotdogs, sandwiches, cold drinks, pies, and fries (chips). The canteen opens at lunch time, supper time, and late at night after the study time finishes.
There are three vacational breaks throughout the year.
1 week for Eid al-Adha
2 weeks after the 6months exams
2 month at the end of the year
Contacts Information
P.O. Box 10786
Lenasia, 1820
Gauteng, South Africa
Hafiz Bashir Bhatia – Vice Principle and Admin
Office +27118591081
Cell +27823722331
Mawlana Shabir Saloojee – Principle
Office +27118591912
Cell +27837994786
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