Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Mom

I was touched when my nephew, Joe told me that they planning to celebrate my Mom Birthday. Since I am away I told him to invite my family and bought some gifts for Tok. On that day, 22 November 2009, Mom celebrated her 85th birthday. If I remembered correctly, we never celebrated her birthday before because each time we asked her, She always said, I don't really know when I was born. What used to appear on her IC was not her true Date of Birth.

When grandma sold the family house in Wadi Hana, we managed to find a diary kept by Arwah Uncle Yusof which stated the date of all my uncles and aunts. From there on, we know my Mom's actual DOB.

Alhamdulillah she is blessed with long life and from what I gathered, her receipe of long life is not to each much and there are lots of things she didn't eat. I saluted her for raising us all 10 children where each and every one of us are close together. I remembered Arwah Dah used to say. I don't have much wealth to leave behind but I have fullfilled my obligation in giving you all good education. I remembered Mom was very supportive of me when I want to pursue my studies. Quite unfortunate for my sisters, most of them had to work after MCE to support the family. Mom used to say "Anak lelaki ni biarlah pergi belajar setinggi mungkin kerana mereka nanti nak bagi makan anak orang"....

So on this very occasion, I like to wish you Mom Happy Belated Birthday minta halal makan dan minum. Minta Halal segala-segalanya kerana membesarkan diri ini dari dalam kandungan hingga ke hari ini, your training when we were kids, the knowledge you taught us and most of all your undivided love to all of us. Thank you Mom, thank you very very much. I prayed Allah will blessed us all always. Love you so very much Mom.

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